Water Bead Fun!

Water beads require a little more preparation time than most of the other sensory activities, but they are well worth the wait. It is best to let the water beads soak overnight. These little beads will continue to absorb water and expand over an even longer period of time if left in water. Water beads can be found at dollar stores, in the floral area at discount stores and online.

Creating water beads can be its own activity! The process is very experiential as children start with tiny dry beads, add water, and watch them grow over a period of days. After completing the process, the water beads can be used in many different Sensory Experiences included in this book as well as others that you create. After the water beads have been played with, the process of dehydrating them back to tiny dry beads can also be an experience to enjoy. It takes an extended period of time, as you watch the water beads get smaller each day until they are finally dry and tiny. Put them in a small container and store them. They can be used repeatedly at different times throughout the year.


The water beads start as tiny hard balls. Put them into a tub and fill it up with water. Water beads will expand dramatically and create a unique sensory experience. They feel good to run your hands through, create an interesting base material, and even bounce when they hit the floor. Children will love touching them, playing with them, and enjoying the Sensory Experiences involving the beads. They can even be put into tubs so children can step in the tubs and feel them surround their feet.


You can purchase water beads as clear and also in colors. If you find clear ones and would like to make them into colored beads, put food coloring into the water surrounding the tiny beads when you are ready to hydrate them. As they expand, they will absorb not only the water but the food coloring as well. After they are fully expanded, put the water beads in a colander and run water over them. This will strain off all of the left-over water and food coloring. The color left will remain in the beads and not create a mess when children play with them. The water beads in the example picture were colored deep purple using food coloring.


This sensory tub includes clear water beads mixed with blue water beads to simulate the ocean. Marine figures complete the scenario for ocean play.



Green water beads were used to create a butterfly habitat for a sensory tub.



You can mix in other materials such as these colored glass beads for different textures and colors. The glass beads are hard and while the water beads are soft and squishy. This provides additional sensory experiences to explore.



Four different colors of water beads were used to create this sorting sensory tub. Use your imagination and have the children join you in thinking of more ways to use the water beads. Create multisensory activities which utilize materials that you have on hand from other projects.


Use these ideas to get started and then mix it up. Experiment and have fun. Water beads create amazing sensory experiences.


This activity and many more can be found in my book “Process Art: Sensory Experiences” at amazon.com   https://www.amazon.com/Process-Art-Sensory-Experiences-2/dp/0988634333/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1513802115&sr=8-4&keywords=andrea+hendon+busch%2CEd.d

There is a direct link to each of my books on the “Dr. Andrea’s Books” page.