I’m going to continue sharing more extensions in pouring liquids. There are so many fun ways to incorporate pouring liquids. Coloring the water makes it more fun, and yes, a little messier with those spills so be prepared. Children can even help make the colored water by simply adding a few drops of food coloring and stirring. This is a fun way to involve them in the process and squeezing the color into the water is more practice in fine motor skills.
Extension 3
This extension incorporates a syrup pitcher and colored water into the pouring exercises. Colored water is made by simply adding food color to your water. You can make the colored water as dark or as light as your would like. Just keep in mind that darker colored water will be more likely to stain surfaces.
Demonstrate the activity by placing your hand in the same position as in the other pouring exercises. Next, show the child how to press the handle on the lid to open the spout. After opening the spout, use two hands to pour the colored water into the condiment cups.
Extension 4
This extension includes using a pitcher from an oil and vinegar salad set, condiment cups, and colored water. Carefully remove the lid, place it on the display tray, and then place your hands on the pitcher just as in the other pouring exercises.
Extension 5
This extension uses a beautiful child size sake set for pouring. It creates a visual interest that the child will enjoy and it adds the addition of the one handed pouring skill. Demonstrate how to pour water by wrapping the dominant hand around the pitcher and fill the tiny sake cups using a one hand pouring technique.
You can find many more activities in the book which is available at Amazon.com. Direct links to all of the books are on the page labeled “Dr. Andrea’s Books.”